Apr 22Liked by Rob Henderson

One reason for the anonymous donation is because you do not want to have an on-going relationship with the recipient. If they need more money, you don't want them to bother you. And you don't want to end up in a database shared with those who see themselves as like-minded and want money for similar causes.

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For the source of the anonymous donor bit I was hoping it would say “Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season 6 Episode 2.”

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Thank you for the New Yorker article on disinformation. I am generally not a fan of the New Yorkers as it has degraded into a purveyor of left-biased propaganda and political influence. But this point about factual "thinking" vs symbolic "beliefs" is, I think, one that needs a lot more air time. The lack of delineation between the two, I think, explains the growing mess of political divisiveness as the world's information has been made available 24x7x365 and sorting algorithms push custom media feeds to everyone.

Ironically the cohort of people that denigrate flat earthers and others that believe certain conspiracies tend to conflate their thinking with what are just other conspiracy beliefs in other topics. Examples include "cops are racist and cause low black socioeconomic circumstances", "men can get pregnant", "young people are at greater risk of suicide if not helped to transform to a gender of their choice", "Hiring and promoting people on the based of their identity in any defined oppressed victim group will make everyone equitable.", "to save humanity from the earth melting we need to force the scarcity of fossil fuels.", "everyone needs to mask up, shelter in place and stop going outside except if protesting indications of racism from police."

All of these things are beliefs and not fully supported by complete facts, yet the rest of us are idiots if we don't believe. We are conspiracy nuts just challenging those modern tenants of left-think... and the disinformation authorities need the power to prevent the proliferation of any dialog that does challenge them.

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"Most of the time we do things like buy expensive stuff and seek attractive partners not to impress others, but largely because they make us feel good."

Common sense as opposed to "everything is mimetic desire."

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"Relatedly, this is why people with lots of positive attributes can afford to be modest."

Or as Golda Meir once told a colleague: "Cut out the false modesty, you're not so great."

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Excelente, empezando bien el domingo.

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