Apr 14Liked by Rob Henderson

Rob, your Eric Hoffer prophet drop yesterday on TFP was a really great piece. Well done!

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Apr 15Liked by Rob Henderson

Hi Rob,

I love reading your articles. Your writing is doing what many of us are not quite ready to do. By bravely exposing the rampent hypocrisies fueling “virtue signaling” and “cancel culture” we have hope that shaming, divisive Marxist ideologies will be overcome.

Will your book tour come to Canada?

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Apr 15Liked by Rob Henderson

Good episode

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Apr 14Liked by Rob Henderson

Hi Rob,

I was annoyed by the WaPo review of your book. "Mystifying....".

I tried to take Emi Nietfeld's criticisms at face value, but it seemed to me her ideological capture prevented her from taking the book on its merits and in good faith . . .

Did she reach out to you?

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I think well over 60% of the elites are actually malicious, with a lot of hatred inside them, Democrat Derangement Syndrome, against Trump, against Israel & Jews, previously against Bush when Bush Derangement Syndrome was first coined. Also Kavanaugh, Palin, Clarence Thomas, even Reagan.

How would one know how much verbally expressed hatred was malicious rather than virtue signaling? Righteous Anger is often held up as good, but much of it is less good rationalized hatred to cover up the malicious desire for bad things to happen to the target.

Tho even if this is more True than 10%, it’s likely better for the next decade or more to say publicly the smaller % for bad intent, and focus on the actually bad outcomes for the poor, along with hypocrisy of the elites in their voicing stupid luxury beliefs.

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Always enjoy the blog and the links and recommendations roundup. I have to say, that first article (anti-diet movement co-opted by big food) really bothered me. Reading about the sellout dieticians promoting garbage food you know they themselves don’t eat (luxury belief?) was disturbing, doesn’t that go against everything they are suppose to be about?It seems like every industry captured by corrupt elites trying to line their pockets.

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